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হোম ব্লগ Constructions Types of Sand Used for Construction Work in Bangladesh
Types of Sand Used for Construction Work in Bangladesh

Types of Sand Used for Construction Work in Bangladesh

Do you know that 3 types of sand in Bangladesh are used for construction? According to the type of construction, purpose and sand quality it is selected. So, if you want a well-structured strong building, you must know valuable information about every sand.

Types of Sand Available in Bangladesh

There are 3 types of sand available in Bangladesh for construction work.

Red Sand

• Sylhet Sand or Red Sand

It comes from Sylhet and that’s partially true. Sylhet is where most of its supplies come from. You can find this sand in several places, such as Bholaganj and Bisnakandi in Sylhet.

The size of this sand is 2.5 fm-2.8 fm and it is mostly used for base and slab casting, swimming pool, and parking floors with retaining walls.

This sand is also known as “Lal Bali”. The name “Lal Bali” or red sand comes from the color of the sand. Except for Sylhet, you can also find this sand in the Mymensingh area. If you are buying a small portion or truck of sand, make sure to measure the amount of sand. And try to avoid taking sand in small trucks. Small trucks give less. But the big dump trucks always bring a little more.

Moreover, try to check the quality before taking the sand. Sometimes clay, silts and other stuff are mixed with the sand to increase the amount.

Viti Sand or Mixed Sand

•  Viti Sand/ Mixed Sand/ Black Sand

In terms of quality, this type of sand is not that good compared to others. This sand doesn’t really have a size or fm. The dirt and clay are mixed together and are a little black. You must be thinking if this sand is not good, why it is even on the list? Then it must be useful in some way, right?

This sand is mostly used to fill in grade beams and house foundations. Almost all of the houses are slightly raised. We use this VITI sand for this kind of work. These are sold for each truck. Don’t bring a small truck. Use a big dump truck. A lot of money will be saved.

• Local Sand/ White Sand

In Bangladesh, local sand, often sourced from riverbeds, is commonly used in construction work due to its fine texture and cost-effectiveness. Although it is used frequently, before using this sand some steps should be considered. Clean the sand with water and sweep through the net. This sand is preferred for high-quality finishes and specialized projects.

– Fine Sand/ সরু বালি

Fine sand has very small-sized grains. This sand fm is 1.05 and it is used for plastering.

–  Medium Sand/ মধ্যম বালি

Medium sand or “Moddhom Bali” has fm 1.50. This sand is generally used for making mortar for brick masonry.

–  Coarse sand/ মোটা বালি

Coarse sand is used in concrete casting work and the fm is 2.00

Types of Sand According to usage

• Fill with Sand

As I have mentioned earlier Viti sand is used to fill in low spots when new homes are being built. This kind of sand is sold by the CFT and by the truck. You can get this sand for a low price because it is not used for any construction work.

• Sand for Casting / Dhalai

For casting local sand is mostly used. This kind of sand is often mixed with red sand. This type of sand has a smooth texture and white color this is why this sand gives a fine and smooth finish to the work. Additionally, this local sand is used to build walls, make bricks, and paint the inside of homes. You can find it easily from the local market.

• Plasterwork

For plastering, you will need the type of sand that has small grains and is fine in texture. So, for this work, people mostly choose fine sand or “Shoru Bali” to give a smooth finish. However, in some places you might get cheated with fine sand, local sellers sell viti sand as fine sand to many buyers. So, be careful about that.

Selecting Good Quality Sand

Now we know about the six types of sand, let’s talk about how to choose the right one for your construction or what kind of sand works best for what?

Here are some tips for answering these questions.

  •  Go for sand with a consistent grain of sand size. Angular grains are better for concrete, while rounded grains are suitable for plastering. 
  • Try to check the quality by ensuring all the grain of sand size. They should not be too big or too small.
  • Ensure the sand is free from clay, sediment, plastic and organic impurities, which can weaken the mix.
  • In order to prevent corrosion, it is important to check for and eliminate any major salt content, particularly in the case of river sand.
  • Choose reputable suppliers to ensure the sand is sourced from reliable and legal locations.
  • For concrete work choose coarse sand (মোটা বালি) with good binding properties.
  • For plastering select one that’s texture is smooth like the river sand. Choose the sand that has between 1.5fm to 1.8 fm

Quality Testing Measurements

Take a glass jar, fill it halfway with sand, add water, shake well, and let it settle. When the sand and water is settled now watch the sand level.

Here the calculation is {(H1 – H2)/H2} X 100. H1 is the height + water mixture level, H2 is the height of sand in the water. Doing this you will get the actual volume of the sand.

Similarly, do the same process and after 7/8 hours calculate the volume of silt by this equation {(V1/V2) X 100}. Here V1 is the volume of silt after 8 hous and V2 is the initial sand volume. If the silt layer exceeds 8%, the sand is not suitable.

By following these tips, you can select the perfect sand type for your construction project in Bangladesh, ensuring longevity, strength, and compliance with local standards.

Preparing the Sand Before Using

Sometimes the sand you use for construction needs to be prepared for better results. As dirt, uneven stones and also sometimes salts can be found in it. So, it is quite necessary to remove all these and prepare the sand before using. The method of removing those parts is also very easy.

To make the sand usable, firstly wet the sand with fine water. Then filter the sand with the help of a filter or “Chaluni” that is used for construction.

Wrapping up

Sand is an important part of construction, used in various applications from concrete mix to masonry work. It is important to understand the different types of sand used in construction, as they have different properties that affect their suitability for specific applications.

So, try to gather as much information as you can before starting your dream project or house. Stay with us for our next blog. Hope to meet you next time with another interesting subject!

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